Krass:Community Portal
From Krass
This page was protected, the reason given was: "lots of spam".
Would you like to help ?
Just start editing a page. On the bottom of every page is an "Edit" link and you can add and change information.
A good place to start are Wanted Pages, these are pages which don't yet exist but are linked to already.
Or you start with one of the stub pages: Stubs, they are pages which need more information.
Or you could hit a Random page, if you just want to find a random page and see if you can improve it.
Or watch Recentchanges for vandals or wrong submissions (at the moment this doesn't seem to be needed).
If you have photos or flyers you can Upload them yourself or send them to me Christof Damian and I will do it.
krass on the web
- group
- @krasscom on twitter
- facebook page email addresses
As an incentive for people contributing to I will give out email addresses to registered users who contribute to