Category:Photos Street Parade 94

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 Here are some of the photos I took at the Street Parade 1994 in Zurich

       j_love16.jpg - Ku'damm after the 1994 Berlin Love Parade =:(
       j_stpa01.jpg - is the lens clean?
       j_stpa02.jpg - why is the world blue?
       j_stpa03.jpg - woman in red
       j_stpa04.jpg - djs from outer space
       j_stpa05.jpg - djs oxalis & pumpkin [dark eye raves] out of work
       j_stpa06.jpg - diving lessons
       j_stpa07.jpg - where do these two come from?
       j_stpa08.jpg - party babes
       j_stpa09.jpg - sunflower blues
       j_stpa10.jpg - golden girl
       j_stpa11.jpg - greenhead
       j_stpa12.jpg - who says old women don't like raves?
       j_stpa13.jpg - freakin'out
       j_stpa14.jpg - huh, huh, huh

    Please feel free to spread these pictures but _please_ include
    this description file.
    If you need higher resolutions or so, just eMail me.

    Jan MARTIN

       InterNet :
       rAVEnET  : 303:497/1.3


Media in category "Photos Street Parade 94"

The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.

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